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Learning the value of diversity from Romania’s tech sector


Carmen Sebe, partner at Gecad Ventures, on the lessons the technology sector can learn from Romania on the importance of diversity and inclusion.

Despite a great deal of media coverage and high-profile campaigns aimed at redressing the gender equality balance, the global tech industry remains male dominated. The National Centre for Women and Information Technology reports that only six of the 100 largest tech companies have female CEOs at the helm.

But this is not the complete picture. Looking at the figures in Europe specifically, the countries in South Eastern Europe (SEE) are leading the way in challenging gender inequality at work. In Romania, for example, women form 26.3% of workers in the ICT sector, compared to just 17% in the UK. In Bulgaria, the figure is even higher, at 30.28%, although this must be seen in the context that Bulgaria has the highest gender pay gap in the region – 15.4%, compared with just 5.8% in Romania....