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Will MOO’s NFC business cards take off?

NFC was once resided to the ‘great but why?’ innovation scrapheap along with, perhaps, augmented reality and QR codes.

Apple long shunned the 30-year-old technology but now that Apple Pay has finally hit the streets in the US and UK, it looks like the perfect moment for NFC-everything.

And Tech City’s MOO is banking on it finally hitting the big time with the launch of its Business Cards 2.0.

MOO’s founder and CEO Richard Moross said: “Business cards are the most successful networking technology of all time, but they’ve been the same for centuries.

“Of course we love print, but because we also love the web we wanted to bring those two worlds together, making paper more useful than it’s ever been.”

The physical cards are supported by the company’s Paper+ back-end where avid networkers can add links to apps or portfolios, and even amend the links after the cards have been handed out.

The cards can also have up to five customised backgrounds à la the MOO we know and love.

MOO was founded in Tech City way back in 2006 and has now helped more than 1m businesses in 200 countries with those all-important first impressions.

Will you be tapping the next business card you receive to find exactly who that talker really is?


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