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Zoe Peden joins Government Social Incubator Fund’s advisory board

£10m social venture fund appoints new advisory board member

Zoe Peden, the entrepreneur behind the educational iPad app for people with communication difficulties MyChoicePad has been invited to become an Advisory Board Member for the Cabinet Office’s £10m Social Incubator Fund for start-up social ventures.

This comes after David Cameron announced the launch of Global Development Ventures in our coverage last week, which will receive £50m from the government over five years to help fight poverty using innovative technology.

The Social Incubator Fund was launched last year by Minister for Civil Society Nick Hurd to target social incubators to help them provide investment and support to early stage social ventures.

Peden was one of the winners of UnLtd‘s The Big Venture Challenge in 2011 and her company, Insane Logic was accepted into the Wayra London digital accelerator in June 2012.

The Wayra UnLtd academy incubator also launched earlier this year, and is partly funded by the government’s Social Incubator Fund, which is looking to strengthen its panel this year with a startup entrepreneur joining the advisers.



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