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New Rasberry Pi sees big improvements for same cost

British company Raspberry Pi have announced the newest model of their bare-bones computer.

Called the B+, it is the third iteration of the company’s credit card-sized computer which has sold 3m units in the two years since its launch.

The new model will cost about £20 (the same as the previous model) and comes with a number of improvements over its predecessor.

The changes

The B+ is based on the same Broadcom chip as earlier versions and has the same 512 megabytes of memory.

Possibly the biggest improvement (and almost definitely the most demanded) was the addition of two extra USB ports, bringing the total number to four.

The new computer also has better power management, as well as a micro-SD card unit to replace the original SD card slot.

The separate analogue and composite video connector was also shown the door in exchange for a single four-pole connector.

Keeping the old

In the video announcement (above), CEO of Raspberry Pi trading Eben Upton explained that they will keep the old model on sale as long as there is industrial demand for it.

He also added that this was not a new model but an improvement on the old one, which might suggest that the next product from the company will be a complete redesign of the low-cost computer.


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