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Shaping the idea of a ‘Global Britain’ into a reality

Russ Shaw, founder of Tech London Advocates & Global Tech Advocates, discusses the importance of promoting cross border business if the UK tech sector is going to succeed post-Brexit 

The clock is certainly ticking, there is less than six months between now and Britain’s exit from the European Union. It could not be timelier then for the nation to take strides in the direction of a ‘Global Britain’ – the ambitious plan laid down by the Prime Minister.

At the heart of this popular soundbite is a vision that the UK can become a triumphant success story within a truly borderless economic landscape. If we are to embrace this new position, fostering international connections is going to be critical – the backbone of a ‘Global Britain’.  Prosperous connections with overseas partners provides investment, talent, innovation at a time when Brexit is aligned with accusations of isolationism – this sends the welcomed message that the UK is open....